Room for cake?

As you know, we're coming up for week-8 of lockdown.
During those first few weeks, I became conscious of my eating (and drinking) going a bit out of control.
Somewhat of a free-for-all.
Something I'm sure many of you can resonate with.
I decided I needed to own it and do something about it.
So, I did what I always do if I've gone a bit slack on my eating (and drinking) habits.
I tracked for a few weeks.
Every bit of food. Every brew. Every beer.
Entered into MyFitnessPal (other trackers are available). Calories tracked and accounted for.
This then enabled me to highlight what's going wrong.
Or what's OK.
Or what's working in my favour.
And then from that, adjust where necessary to get back to where I want to be.
That's the beauty of email marketing.
Beside the low cost to market, ease to arrange and instant lead gen of course.
It's the tracking.
Useful tools, especially when a campaign hasn't performed as well as you'd hoped.
Using that information to assist on your next campaign.
If a weekly email was pulling no leads, you wouldn't continue sending the same email.
In the same way you wouldn't carry on eating (and drinking) the same if you were piling on weight!
You address the metrics. Let them show you:
What's going wrong.
What's OK.
What's working in your favour.
Low opens/good CTR (click through rate)? - address your subject line.
High opens/low CTR? - address your content.
High opens/High CTR/No leads? - address your website.
Any of the above + lots of leads but no sales? - address your sales team!
I always tell my clients; these stats are interesting on a good campaign.
On a bad campaign, they're invaluable!
If you're interested in a b2b email marketing campaign, or just to find out more, contact us today and ask about our current offers.
Lee Shore
20th May 2020