A permanent high?

I had a brilliant chat this weekend.
I can neither confirm, nor deny, if alcohol was involved.
I was chatting with Sarah & Steve about the challenges we all face day to day.
Mental health, business, family, etc.
We agreed that all aspects of these are like a continual ECG graph of ups & downs.
We’re all striving for that consistent trend but know that we have good days and bad days.
“A permanent high isn’t actually a high” was said by one of us (it was me).
Quite profound, I thought, and fodder for a blog.
A permanent high is, of course, just a consistent line, and we’re probably still looking for more, and an uplift, even when we achieve that.
We simply raise the bar.
Equally, of course, a long-term low isn’t permanent.
And as always, this reminded me of our lead generation.
For all those clients that have been with us 5, 10, 15 years, they’ve stayed for one reason.
Ups, downs.
Good months, bad months.
But overall, a viable and consistent trend.
The occasional flash flood of leads and the occasional arid desert.
But generally, a reliable, consistent stream to keep everything moving along nicely.
So, how high is your bar?
Lee Shore
15th June 2022