Say less, better.

I saw a brilliant Tweet last week.
It read, “Emails are like billboards. They get seen at 75mph. If you can grab them in about one second, they'll take the next exit, and then you can tell them more. Say less, better.”
Spot on, I thought.
It resonated with me, as only two days previously, I’d had an idea for our own email campaign.
FYI – we practise what we preach.
72% of our incoming leads in 2020 came from our own emails.
Anyway, back to the resonating…
My idea was to run a campaign only two or three paragraphs long.
A simple, “This is what we do – do you want some?” approach.
No stats. No glitz or glamour. No pricing. Not even a call to action. Replies only.
I ran it past our sales team first, as I suspected we’d see not only an increase in leads, but an increase in tentative leads.
They were up for it, so I wrote it and got it going.
It worked.
At time of writing (10th Feb), we’ve had more leads in than we did in the whole of January.
And we’ve had 85% of what we brought in, in Feb 2020, with 12 working days of the month to go.
I don’t get involved in this side of the business as much these days.
But one might say I’ve still “got it”.
(I’m the one who says that, by the way!)
So, tell me, if you had two paragraphs to introduce me to your business and entice me to enquire, what would you say?
Let me know.
Lee Shore
10th February 2021